Fuel additives

Depressor additive for increasing the coolness and lowering the solidification temperature of medium distillates, oven fuel.
Dispergator additive for increasing the coolness of medium distillates, removes the formation of paraffin sludge at low temperatures
Dispergator additive for increasing the coolness of medium distillates, removes the formation of paraffin sludge at low temperatures
Package of additives that improve the low-temperature properties of medium distillates and light oven fuels.
Improves lubricating ability of low sulphur diesel fuel and other medium distillates with low lubricating ability and low electrical conductivity.
Increases the specific electrical conductivity of distillate fuels (diesel, gasoil) to minimize the risk of electrostatic charging and ignition during manipulation, mixing, pumping and filtration of fuels.
Increases the specific electrical conductivity of fuels to minimize the risk of electrostatic charging and ignition during handling, mixing, pumping and filtration of fuels.

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